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Adding New Plans Page

Modelling > Model Plans > Adding New Plan Page

Adding New Plan Page

If a website page doesn't yet exist for a particular plan then one must be created before copies of the plan can be sold.

Any visitor to the website may request that a new plan page be created on the site by submitting the form below; Magazine Exchange will review the information provided and set the new page up after checking that (for instance) no page already exists for the same plan

Remember that it is in your interest to make the new page as useful as possible to potential buyers, so provide as much information as you can about the plan in question and the models that can be built from it - plus the prototype boat or aircraft too if relevant

Note that registered Trade Sellers may also create pages for new plans directly on the website themselves using the Create Product Page facility in their Seller accounts, and indeed Magazine Exchange is happy to also extended this ability to experienced private Sellers upon application.

Plan Page Formats

New plan pages may be configured in three ways depending upon the copyright status of the plan in question and the formats in which it will be offered for sale:

Printed Plan & Digital Plan - Public Domain items
Pages will be configured to allow all Sellers to offer that item for sale, and in both printed & digital formats
Printed Plan only - Proprietory items
Upon application to Magazine Exchange the page will be created to allow only the established copyright holder of the item to offer the item for sale, and in printed form only
Digital Plan only - Proprietory items
As above but with the page configured to allow the sale of digital items only
Check this first!

Before requesting the creation of a new plan page please check that a page doesn't already exist for the plan in question

If you wish to sell a new variation of an existing plan - for instance one with minor changes or which has been enlarged/reduced to a different size - it may be better to list your new version on the existing plan's page but with with the differences fully described. Please contact Magazine Exchange if you need guidance on the best approach.

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