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Front cover of The Railway Magazine, March 1990 Issue

The Railway Magazine, March 1990 Issue

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Contents Listing - Articles & Features in this issue
NEW PAGES - Friction in North Wales... the "Duke" and "Duchess" are nearly ready ... Cyril Bleasdale's Scottish appointment... Sir Bob Reid's parting message and lots more.
CHANNEL TUNNEL UPDATE - Railway Magazine's monthly round-up of Channel Tunnel news, including full details of the recent costing debate, and a French breakthrough at Sangatte.
VICTORIAN WONDER - The Forth Railway Bridge took seven years to build and cost the lives of more than 50 men, but this masterpiece in steel has stood the test of time, and celebrates its centenary on 4 March.
THE A.R.L.E. 'STANDARDS' - During the First World War, there was talk of nationalising Britain's railways when the hostilities were over, and some interesting designs for 'Standard' locomotives were submitted by members of the Association of Railway Locomotive Engineers. Philip Atkins reports.
MAILBAG - Two more pages of letters from our readers, including an impassioned plea to place the ETHEL heating units on main line steam trains by something a little more fitting.
PUSH-PULL FAREWELL - Colin J. Marsden takes a ride from both driving ends during the final days of Scotflail's Glasgow-Edinburgh 47/7 services before the six-car 'Sprinters' temporarily take over.
50A YORK IN 1956 - Eric Sawford begins a 'Shed Visit' series w'rth a photographic look at York and its sub-sheds 34 years ago, when B16 4-6-0s, D49 4-4-0s, T1 4-8-0 tanks and V2 2-6-2s were the order of the day.
WHAT'S IN A NAME? - Quite a lot, judging by the correspondence that has come in on the subject during the past few weeks. Alan Goodyear takes a sometimes amusing, sometimes serious look at the good, the bad and the plain ugly.
SUPER COLOUR - Our centre spread is a superb colour picture by Dr Les Nixon of a class 91 electric locomotive diverging from the East Coast Main Line for Leeds at Doncaster.
STOCK CHANGES - Two pages of Platform 5's up-to-date Traction and Rolling Stock Review, detailing among other things information about train-to-shore radio telephone equipment in catering vehicles and all the latest namings.
LONGER LASTING LIFE - It's a talking point that could go on for ever: which locomotives lasted the longest in mainstream railway service? Among our examples are several which went on for 90 years and more a€ and there are some wonderful old photographs to illustrate the feature.
HEAVY HAUL - In this month 'Locomotive Practice & Performance' feature, Peter W. B. Semmens looks at some remarkable heavy freight operations in both Holland and South Africa.
DR IAN C. ALLEN - RC Riley pays tribute to one of Britain's best-loved railway photographers, who died at Christmas, and reminds us of Dr. Allen's superb work.
THIS IS TOTON - Colin J. Marsden visits Toton Depot and details the work that goes. on there keeping a huge allocation of freight locomotives on the move, from veteran class 20s to the very latest class 60s.
EDMONDSON FAREWELL - As the issuing of Edmondson card tickets even by travel agencies for British Rail travel comes to an end, Michael Fan looks at the decline and fall of a ticketing system that lasted 150 years.

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