Contents Listing - Articles & Features in this issue
Features: Heir to The Inland Empire - by Thomas Hillebrant - Current operator of several former Burlington Northern branch lines in Washington State's agriculturally-rich Inland Empire, the Palouse River & Coulee City plays an essential role in the region's economy. Photo Line: Classic Southern Railroading - by Curt Tillotson, Jr. - From friendly short lines to heavy-duty main lines, Southern railroading has always had a special kind of charm. A long-time fan remembers the lines that serve, and served, the South. The Kentucky Cardinal - by Ralcon Wagner - Thanks to its expanding mail and express business, Amtrak returns to the Louisville area after a 20-year absence. Could Nashville be next? "Super Sunday" Finale for Amtrak's F40s - by Robert A. LaMay Manchester, Georgia, Welcomes Railfans - by David Harris Here Comes Santa Claus! photos - by Lorry R. Stiles & Tom Savio Regulars: Publisher's Desk - commentary by Hal Carstens Timetable - railfan events guide Fanmail - letters from readers Drury On Board - commentary by George H. Drury Railroadiana - product news and reviews Railfanning Is - humor We'd Like You to Meet - Curt Tillotson Jr. Railnews - news stories and photos Book Depot - railroad book mart On The Menu - dining by rail by James Porterfield Railfun - cartoon by Curt Katz Camera Bag - guide to railfan photography by Jim Boyd Videos - videotape reviews Transit Currents - transit news by George M. Smerk Lineside Legacy - preservation news by Jeff Terry Museum & Tourist Line Directory Markers - editorial commentary Advertising Index - the railfan marketplace Final Frame On the cover - On October 20, 1999, in a shot taken right off the shoulder of U.S. 195 in Rosalia, Washington, a southbound Palouse River & Coulee City train has just passed under the viaduct of the abandoned Milwaukee Road main line. We explore Washington's Inland Empire beginning on page 30.
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