Contents Listing - Articles & Features in this issue
FEATURES RESEARCHING A RED BERET From a very young age, historian James Daly knew that his grandfather had done something during the Second World War, but quite what, he was not sure. Despite odd pieces of information from his parents, he realised that he knew very little about exactly what his grandfather had done. So he set out to find the answers. In RESEARCHING A RED BERET, he reveals what he discovered and shares with us all the lessons he learnt about researching an army ancestor. INCIDENT AT LAMARONDE When it comes to considering the history of the Royal Air Force during 1940 then that period is dominated by one aspect alone: The Battle of Britain. However, this spotlight tends to dim even further any great degree of recognition for those of the RAF who fought and died during the Battle of France. Those who made the ultimate sacrifice include two of the three-man crew of a 12 Squadron Fairey Battle that was shot down on 8 June 1940. Andy Saunders uncovers the full story of that aircraft and the subsequent investigations to locate its crash site. UNSUNG HEROES At the beginning of the Second World War the British Merchant Navy was the largest maritime fleet on the planet and without it Britain could not have survived the war. Compared with the exploits of the Royal Navy, however, relatively little has been written about the "invisible fourth service". John Grehan attempts to redress the balance. OPERATION DINGSON During the night of 5 August 1944, British and French troops of the 4th Battalion Special Air Service Brigade (SAS), along with their equipment, which included Jeeps, were delivered into German-occupied France by glider. Tim Lynch tells the incredible story that is Operation Dingson. REGULARS CAMERA AT WAR A selection of photographs depicting a parachute section of the Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service: the so-called 'Para-nurses'. DATAFILE Whilst the term 'Sticky Bomb' should be used to describe any hand grenade which is coated with adhesive material in order to make it stick to the intended target, it has become more popularly applied to the British No.74 Grenade. TEN THINGS YOU PROBABLY DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT ... THE BATTLE OF EL ALAMEIN. Fought in the desert of North Africa, this battle is seen as one of the decisive Allied victories of the Second World War.
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