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Front cover of Waterways World Magazine, January 1999 Issue

Waterways World Magazine, January 1999 Issue

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Details of this magazine:
  • Number of Pages120
  • Shipping Weight kg0.35
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Contents Listing - Articles & Features in this issue

LONDON BOAT SHOW PREVIEW - Graham Booth searches Earls Court for signs of inland life amongst the 'Big Blue'
RESTORATION - CHICHESTER CANAL - Jon Sims looks at a small project with big hopes
CANAL OF CONTRASTS - John Todd explores one of Britain's most beautiful and varied canals - the Caldon
BOAT OF THE MONTH - TURNOTHWORLD - Graham Booth reviews a most unusual boat based on a Bridgewater tug
CUT AND RUN - Mark Steinhardt tracks down a pre-war criminal of the cut
JIM'S JOTTINGS - Jim Shead returns home to the quiet waters of the Nene
NARROWBOAT IDENTIFICATION - Edward Paget-Tomlinson takes a detailed look at constructional features of narrowboats designed for the river Severn
CRUISING NORTH AMERICA - Hugh Porter reports on the WW Reader's Cruise to the USA and Canada
ICE BOATS - Glen Knight looks at the use of ice boats on our canals - past and present
WHB<E HAVE ALL THE YOUNG ONES GONE? - Graham Booth considers whether or not the cost of boating has increased in real terms over the last 25 years and finds the answer surprising
EVERY ONE A WINNER - Graham Booth looks at a plywood cruiser that only cost the owner around £3,000 to build
A WATERWAY OF LIFE - THE BRINDS - Dennis Needham talks to a couple, and a dog, who go boating with horses
BLUE & YELLOW MISCELLANY - Euan Corrie looks at how the once unpopular colours continued after British Waterways' main fleet was disbanded in 1963
WATERSIDE WALK - INTO EDINBURGH - Guthrie Hutton joins the hogmanay celebrations with a walk along the Union Canal

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Front Cover - Boating through Norton Green Lift Bridge on the Caldon Canal, the subject of this month's major cruising feature on pages 44-47, photographed by Roy Westlake.

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