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Help Centre - Buying Digital Editions - Compression and Quality

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"Digital Editions from other Retailers"
  • Overview

  • "Digital Editions from Magazine Exchange"
    Quick Summary:
  • About Digital Editions - What will I receive?
  • Buying and Viewing

  • In Detail:
  • File formats - inc. watermarking & origins
  • Compression & Quality

  • The information below...

    ...applies to items that are listed in the
    "Digital Editions from Magazine Exchange" areas

    File Formats

    The digital edition system can handle a wide variety of formats, but 'Watermarked PDF' is by far the most common file type used by downloadable back issue magazines hosted by Magazine Exchange.

    PDF – Portable Document Format – files allow electronic documents to be distributed very easily and viewed with a vast range of apps (including web browsers) on almost any type of device. You almost certainly already have the ability to view PDF files, but if required viewers are widely available for download at no cost - but if in you're in any doubts about being able to open PDF files then just try downloading one of the free sample files provided.


    A watermarked PDF is simply a regular PDF which has an unobtrusive additional graphic added to it's pages for copyright security reasons, with this 'watermark' in this case simply being the purchaser's details added to the PDF file as it is downloaded. This information appears as a line of small text displayed along the left-hand edge of each page, positioned in such a way that this text shouldn't obscure any of the other information on the page, but with it's presence acting as a deterrent against the unauthorized reproduction and distribution of the file
    Once you've downloaded the file you've purchased you can of course open and view it in the app of your choice (which might simply be your web browser), save it permanently to your device, and even print-out paper copies for your own use if you wish.

    What you are NOT authorised to do is to make and distribute electronic or paper copies of the file to others, either freely or for reward.

    Provided here are two free samples digital magazine editions that you can download and view immediately:-

    Note that one of these sample magazines is amateur-produced from a scan of an original print copy, whilst the other is professionally produced. Also notice that both these PDF files include an example watermark

    Free Sample Download

    An example of a produced-from-a-scan digital edition issue in Watermarked PDF format

    Free Sample Download

    An example of a 'professionally' produced digital edition issue in Watermarked PDF format

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