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Front cover of Flypast Magazine, February 2000 Issue

Flypast Magazine, February 2000 Issue

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  • Number of Pages110
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Contents Listing - Articles & Features in this issue
NEWS - The way ahead for the Old Flying Machine Company, Vulcan XHs^S's progress to flight status, new Mustang on the block, Chipmunk goes black and white, and much more...
TIMETEAM SPITFIRE 'DIG' - Channel 4's Timeteam programme helped to recover a Battle of France Spitfire. Guy de la Bedoyere was part of the 'dig' crew.
FREE FALL - We present two stories of Ju 88 raids on the UK in early 1944. Michael J Croft describes an incredible escape.
CAPTIVE EAGLES - Melvin Brown and Michael J Croft examine the tee of a Ju 88 crew shot down over Wiltshire.
'BIG IRON' - Incredible archive photography from the Thompson Trophy race in Cleveland. 1949. Don Berliner describes the aircraft of an all-too-brief era
NOSE-ART - Among the artefacts held by the American Airpower Heritage Museum at Midland, Texas, are 35 precious original nose-art panels. Ken Ellis examines how they are saving the ladies.
ANGLO-YUGOSLAV STARS - It is ironic that the conflicts in the Balkans have given UK airshow spectators the opportunity of seeing a range of Yugoslav-manufactured aircraft which were otherwise relatively unknown. David Oliver reports.
WHAT'S NEW - New videos on the test-bench.
AIRFIELDS OF THE NORTH - Ken Delve chronicles the wartime airfields of Cumbria, Durham and Northumberland.
WORKSHOP - The RAF Museum's Reserve Collection and Restoration Centre is moving home. Robert Rudhall visited Cardington to watch this mammoth task.
'ZERO' UNFOLDED - Subject of our classic profile gatefold is the superlative Mitsubishi A6M 'Zero'. We examine its many variants, its many names and the Allied codename system for Japanese warplanes.
A FAST LADY CALLED 'DINAH' - Mitsubishi's efficient and sleek Ki-46 series described by Mark Muggins.
EXPLORING THE WARBIRDS OF JAPAN - Ron Werneth unveils the surprisingly large number of treasures to be found in Japan.
LEAFING THROUGH THE TOP TWENTY - The results of our competition giving away Ã
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