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Delivery Rates & Information > Delivery outside UK

Airmail delivery costs outside the UK:

Weight in Kg
Airmail - Europe
Airmail - USA
Airmail - Australasia
Airmail - Rest of World

0 - 0.25

0.26 - 0.50
£5.85 £9.20

0.51 - 0.75
£6.95 £12.30

0.76 - 1
£9.90 £22.60

1.01 - 1.25
£10.35 £26.15

1.26 - 1.50
£10.35 £28.95
Note: Australasia includes Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

Surface Mail delivery costs outside the UK:

Weight in Kg
Surface Mail - All destinations

0 - 0.25

0.26 - 0.50

0.51 - 0.75

0.76 - 1

1.01 - 1.25

1.26 - 1.50

Surface Mail deliveries can be very slow
- up to 12 weeks for some destinations!

Rates quoted here correct as at April 2024
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