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Delivery Rates & Information > Many Sellers

Many Sellers - but delivery is still simple.

Magazines are available from many different Sellers on this website, but delivery costs
are always the same - delivery rates are set centrally, not by the individual Sellers.

  • All Sellers are UK-Based
  • Delivery costs are the same for all Sellers

  • One Order, Multiple Sellers?

    Buying magazines from more than one Seller in a single order obviously means that you'll receive separate deliveries from each Seller. Actually placing the order
    is no different though - the website calculates the correct
    delivery cost, no matter how many magazines or
    Sellers are involved.

    Multiple deliveries are likely to increase the overall
    delivery cost of course, so for economy you may
    decide to buy different items from the same
    Seller when you can, rather than choosing
    from several different Sellers.
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